All life depends on water, and society must ensure that an adequate and clean supply will be available in the future. Until recently, water resources management has been relatively easy. Today, the water resources manager's job has become an increasingly complex web of regulations and environmental concerns, with the constant dilemma of how to balance the needs of an exploding population with those of vanishing watersheds. Water Use, Management, and Planning in the United States is designed with new college classes on water resources in mind. It presents information on hydrology, biology, geology, economics, geography, historical water policies, and regional regulations. The text reflects the transdisciplinary nature of water resources management, moving between descriptive discussions and quantitative analysis to bridge the social and physical sciences. It provides frequent case studies and examples to illustrate real-world applications, including sidebars throughout to reinforce major points. This book is a result of the author's years of teaching, and presents a prescription for an intelligent integrated systems approach to water resources management.
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