In integrating the concepts of stress and anxiety with primary care diagnosis and treatment, this book offers unique insights on previously unexplained physical symptoms, as well as ways in which anxiety can co-exist with bona fide medical illness and alter its presentation, course, and treatment response. This is a critical resource for clinicians in interpreting somatic symptoms and co-occurring medical disorders. With its unifying theme of stress and anxiety and broad range of topics, the compilation of writings provides clinicians with a unique, comprehensive understanding of mental health concepts and intervention strategies within the context of non-medical health disorders. Such an understanding will contribute to better interdisciplinary research and professional practice, as well as to improved patient care and cost-effective medical management.
This authoritative reference presents an integrated collection of writings that describe the research, scholarship, and practical clinical considerations concerning the pervasive nature of stress and anxiety in a variety of non-mental health disorders. Chapters, provided by leading clinical scientists and specialists in medicine and psychology, outline current, state-of-the-art procedures for the assessment and management of stress and anxiety, including both diagnostic and treatment considerations.
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