"Providing the most complete coverage of conflict available, this book represents a total approach to the study of conflict. Solid research and theory help readers better understand the nature of conflict, while practical material helps them make better communication choices. In addition to considering what people bring into a conflict in terms of their attitudes, beliefs, values, and personal characteristics, the book offers new ideas and attitudes to help readers approach conflict more effectively. The extensive use of suggestions, applications, narratives and case studies makes this volume an accessible and useful resource. The book deals with conflict from beginning to end -- from perception of the problem to agreement that it has been resolved or managed. It introduces the idea that conflict is inevitable, explores its consequences, then looks at conflict in the context of values, attitudes, and beliefs, followed by gender and culture. Next the book describes types of conflict; its phases and cycles; and conflict styles, strategies, and tactics, with special attention to collaboration as the preferred strategy. The last half of the book covers social psychological and communication perspectives, research on conflict and intimacy, choosing among the communication options available, effectively confronting others, cooperative negotiation in win-lose situations, the escalation of conflict into anger and stress, and impression management. The book ends with a discussion of conflict, forgiveness, and reconciliation. For anyone interested in understanding and dealing with conflict more effectively.
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