Set in a future where the power of big corporations has reached unbelievable heights, this sardonic and humorous story traces the adventures of Asel Iacola, former head of the Christler-Coke corporation, who has been banished to a corporate prison after a hostile takeover. Undaunted, and with the help of fellow deposed corporate noble Sylvan Lee-McCree, Asel escapes with hopes of confronting his rival, Jackie-Cee of the Disney-Dow corporation. During his escape he learns to rely on himself as he is almost hung by the TechsMechs Rangers of Oklahomer, sold by the hustlers of Two-kum-curry to the Nones of Our Lady of Reluctant Desire, and befriended by a mechanical bear. Making his way across a nation ruled by big business, Asel is confronted by the country's forgotten poor, and discovers the enormous gulf between the haves and have-nots created by companies like Christler-Coke.
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