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Social Interaction and Organisational Change Aston Perspectives on Innovation Networks

by Steve Conway

  • ISBN: 9781860942037
  • ISBN10: 1860942032

Social Interaction and Organisational Change Aston Perspectives on Innovation Networks

by Steve Conway

  • List Price: $91.00
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • Publisher: World Scientific Pub Co Inc
  • Publish date: 05/01/2001
  • ISBN: 9781860942037
  • ISBN10: 1860942032
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Description: This book provides a detailed, multi-disciplinary analysis of innovation networks in a variety of organisational settings. All the contributors are employed at Aston Business School, which is one of the UK's foremost institutions in terms of both teaching and research. The book illustrates the way in which innovation networks are formed and sustained in a variety of organisational settings: the public sector, public-private collaboration, national policy level, inter-organisational credit links, as well as the more traditional focus on manufacturing firms. The strength of the network approach is that it encourages detailed analyses of the dyadic links which must be mobilised in the innovation process. At the same time, networks provide a framework for exploring the multiple sources and pluralistic patterns of communication typical of innovatory activity. Therefore, in contrast to much of the innovation network research undertaken in recent years, the focus of this book is as much on notions of "network as method" as on "network as phenomenon".
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