Editors' Introduction: Multiplying Identities Henry Louis Gates, Jr., Kwame Anthony Appiah. Essays "British Cannibals": Contemplation of an Event in the Death and Resurrection of James Cook, Explorer Gananath Obeyesekere Race into Culture: A Critical Genealogy of Cultural Identity Walter Benn Michaels Occidentalism as Counterdiscourse: "He Shang" in Post-Mao China Xiaomei Chen Fashion and the Homospectatorial Look Diana Fuss Policing the Black Women's Body in an Urban Context Hazel V. Carby Woman Skin Deep: Feminism and the Postcolonial Condition Sara Suleri Acting Bits/Identity Talk Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak The Empire Renarrated: Season of Migration to the North and the Reinvention of the Present Saree S. Makdisi What Is a Muslim? Fundamental Commitment and Cultural Identity Akeel Bilgrami Nationalism and Social Division in Black Arts Poetry of the 1960s Phillip Brian Harper Black Writing, White Reading: Race and the Politics of Feminist Interpretation Elizabeth Abel The Erotics of Irishness Cheryl Herr Diaspora: Generation and the Ground of Jewish Identity Daniel Boyarin, Jonathan Boyarin. The Time of the Gypsies: A "People without History" in the Narratives of the West Katie Trumpener Critical Responses White Philosophy Avery Gordon, Christopher Newfield. The No-Drop Rule Walter Benn Michaels Fashionable Theory and Fashionable Women: Returning Fuss's Homospectatorial Look Molly Anne Rothenberg, Joseph Valente. Look Who's Talking, or If Looks Could Kill Diana Fuss Response to Identities Michael Gorra Collected and Fractured: Response to Identities Judith Butler Index
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