I. Theoretical Considerations 1. Introduction2. Crisis Theory: A General Framework3. Developmental Life Crises4. Situational Life Crisis II. Intervention Strategies 5. A Comprehensive Model for Crisis Intervention6. First-Order Intervention: Psychological First Aid7. Psychological First Aid: Case Examples8. Second-Order Intervention: Multimodal Crisis Therapy9. Multimodal Crisis Therapy: Case Examples III. Service Delivery Systems 10. Crisis Intervention by Clergy11. Crisis Intervention by Attorneys and Legal Assistants12. Crisis Intervention by Police13. Crisis Intervention by Health Professionals14. Crisis Intervention in Hospital Emergency Rooms15. Crisis Intervention with the Chronically Mentally Ill16. Crisis Intervention by Telephone17. Crisis Intervention in the Schools18. Crisis Intervention on the Job/in the Office IV. Training and Research 19. Training I: Psychological First Aid20. Training II: Crisis Therapy21. A Model for Crisis Intervention Research
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