OVERVIEWHuman development to eradicate povertyCHAPTER ONEPoverty in the human development perspective: concept and measurementDefining poverty in the human development perspectiveMeasurement of poverty and the human poverty indexGlossary of poverty and human developmentCHAPTER TWOProgress and setbacksHuman poverty -- progress and deprivationIncome povertyThe many disparitiesWhat the 1997 HDI revealsThe changing face of povertySuccesses and challenges in human poverty reduction in China and IndiaCHAPTER THREEResisting new forces of poverty in a changing worldVulnerability, assets and coping strategiesNew global pressures, creating and re-creating povertyFailures of economic growthTowards an agenda for poverty eradicationCHAPTER FOURGlobalization -- poor nations, poor peopleGlobalization and poor countriesGlobalization and poor peopleNational policy in an era of globalizationPolicy optionsGroup solutions and concerted actionInternational policy optionsCHAPTER FIVEThe politics of poverty eradicationA formidable challengeThe need for collective actionThe need for partnershipsThe need for an activist stateThe need for democratic spaceCHAPTER SIXEradicating human poverty worldwide -- the agenda for the 21st centuryThe scale of the challengeSix essential actionsNational policy makingInternational actionRegional actionPoverty eradication and the United NationsThe cost of inactionTechnical NotesReferenceHUMAN DEVELOPMENT INDICATORSList of all indicatorsNote on statistics in the Human Development ReportAll countriesDeveloping countriesIndustrial countriesRegional aggregatesBoxes, Box Tables, Tables, Figures
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