-- Learn to establish performance level guarantees in your network for different applications and users/customers.
-- Techniques that can save money, improve network application performance, and delay costly upgrades.
To build an enterprise network that delivers real value to the business, it's no longer enough to simply add bandwidth: you must manage your bandwidth more effectively than ever before. This book shows you how, helping you reduce costs, delay expenditures, and deliver new applications with precisely service quality they require. Understand the technologies and business trends that are driving service level management in the enterprise network. Learn advanced techniques for differentiating between low-priority and high-priority applications; then delivering bandwidth in the appropriate quantities, within appropriate latency and jitter parameters. Compare Class of Service (COS) approaches with Quality of Service (QoS) approaches such as ATM's QoS and Resource Reservation Protocol for IP networks. Understand how to establish "A" list customers and give them preferred access to Internet and other network resources; handle peak loads more effectively; delay network upgrades; and much more. The book includes four detailed case studies representing financial services, consulting, retail and academic organizations. For every networking professional responsible for maximizing the value and effectiveness of enterprise networks.